Merkel cell

Support the research and treatment of Merkel cell carcinoma.

Today, we are celebrating the work of the people behind, the definitive source for information on treating Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC),  a rare and aggressive skin cancer, and the community of patients and survivors they bring together.

Dr. Paul Nghiem, MD, PhD. leads this compassionate team and the Nghiem Lab located at the University of Washington is at the forefront of research and treatment of this cancer.

Parallel has partnered with the MCC Team since 2017 supporting and leading usability tests to help discover how to better communicate to patients, their family’s, and the physicians and researchers dedicated to their care. Presenting their work professionally and clearly can help connect people who may have just discovered they have MCC find the help and care they need.

It is this type of long-term partnership with an organization dedicated to public good that keeps us motivated at Parallel. We consider the MCC Team our family, and they consider us an integral part of their team.

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